
SMALL INTESTINE - Metastatic melanoma

A length of small intestine showing a black nodule some 3.5 cm. in diameter and a flat black oval plaque approximately 1 cm. across. On the reverse of the specimen the bowel can be seen drawn up into the main tumour mass. The mucosal pattern distal to the tumour is normal; the pattern proximal to the main tumour is flattened and the bowel obviously dilated.
This man was admitted to hospital at the age of 55 with intestinal obstruction of two days' duration. At operation an intussusception of a loop of small intestine was found. The lesion was demonstrated to be a malignant melanoma. Six months prior to this he had had two skin lesions removed, one from his right thigh which showed a malignant melanoma in regression, and the second from the axilla which showed a metastatic melanoma.