An inflated left lung showing a number of pleural and sub-pleural nodules measuring up to 3.5 cm.
in maximum diameter.
At the age of 39, this woman had a large left fronto-temporal meningioma removed, with
subtotal removal of recurrences in 1971 and 1976. Histology on both occasions was of a
meningioma. In 1974, nodular opacities were noted through the lower half of the lungfields, at the
age of 57, she was admitted in deep coma, from which she did not recover. She had a past history
of hysterectomy for fibroids in 1960. At autopsy, nodules were found in both lungs; a meningioma
some 4 cm. in diameter was found in the right frontal area, with a further nodule in the left frontal
area at the site of the previous operation. There was a further nodule of tumour attached to the left
sphenoidal ridge, and a further nodule was found some 7 cm. in diameter resting on the superior
surface of the left cerebellar hemisphere. Histology of all these lesions was consistent with a
diagnosis of meningioma.